SET A: The Low Game


We’re going to play a game together. Grab a low stool, or a box, or stack a few pillow cushions. This will serve as your “partner". Or if you have little ones moving around you, this is a great way to incorporate them into your low game workout. The goal is to stay relatively low, to keep moving, and to move around your partner-object in a circular way. Integrate forward bends, squats, and anything else that allows you to be mostly low to the ground. Take advantage of your contact with the floor to practice your plank, lunges, or to add in a few sets of push-ups. Practice engaging your arm strength and holding your weight up off the ground. As you stay in continuous motion, experiment with different ways to get down and back up. Play around with your ability to control your body, balance in unfamiliar positions, and find your shifting center of gravity.