GoFit Extra

Take your workout to the next level with these capoeira-based workouts.


This practice reimagines the basic push-up. Instead of initiating the push-up in the standard way, we’re going to flow in and out of the triangle push-up using the ginga. Challenge yourself to fluidly make your way to the floor, then position your arms and head so that they form a 3-point triangle on the floor. Pull your legs into as you raise your hips toward the ceiling, situating your weight between your hands and your head. Take a few breaths, and then ease into a plank, and then find your way back to standing for ginga. The idea is to move from high to low with as much ease as possible, so going slowly might be the most fluid way if your just getting the feel for the triangle push-ups. Use the ginga and the triangle push-ups to move around the space in a circular way. Remember to breathe, take your time, and keep moving.