In fertility there are no promises…only possibilities.

Celebrating and discovering the power of our fertility is central to our creation flows at The Family Dances. As a family of 6 and counting, we have had many opportunities to study and grow more deeply connected to the possibilities that being present with our fertility can nurture. We understand that our fertility is vast. It supports the growing of babies, the cultivation of passions, the birthing of dreams. Fertility can be experienced and expressed in so many ways! What does fertility mean to you? What are you wanting to explore?

Fertility Dreams Mapping

MotherBee offers deep listening, reflective practices, creativity prompts, and fertility consciousness tools for mapping your fertility dreamscape. Fertility Dreams Mapping is for creators who want to live in more joyful harmony with their fertility possibilities. Creators who are interested in Fertility Dreams Mapping are invited to set up a discovery call with MotherBee to learn more about the offering and the different options for activating a Fertility Dreams Mapping journey.

Fertility Abundance Garden

The Fertility Abundance Garden is MotherBee’s congregation for creators, sanctuary for mothers, and open dreamscape for sacred storytellers. Visit the Garden.

Sacred Nourishment Learning Center

The Sacred Nourishment Learning Center is MotherBee’s soft-time practice portal and co-mothering learning space for the study and celebration of nourishing our babies at the breast. As a Sacred Nourishment practitioner, MotherBee has been nourishing one or more children from her body daily for almost 9 years. In this time she has devoted her life to discovering more dimensions of the whole-body labor of generating mother’s milk in her body, and nursing babies from her body. The Sacred Nourishment Learning Center is a space for her to share her wisdoms with other mothers and birthkeepers, and to invite continued learning, growth, and knowledge of sacred nourishment labors. Complete a Sacred Nourishment Learning Center interest form to learn more about this exciting new space in MotherBee’s creation flow.



Experience one of MotherBee’s fertility sermons


“From that first moment of experiencing the majesty of my booty consciousness to create more space for me to be inside my own discovery, my own fertility brilliance, my own body brilliance-- everything shifted from that moment. I realized that my body could create its own frequency, and that I could move through life with my own self-initiated frequencies. I could shift and create the vibration I needed in any moment. If I needed joy, if I needed compassion, if I needed warmth, if I needed tenderness-- anything I needed, I could generate that frequency in my dancing body. And then I have more breathing room, and more space and softness to process whatever, to work through whatever…”