Capoeira FUNdamentals Practice Portal
An archive of class practice guides, recordings, and resources
Class Recordings
Week #1: What is capoeira?
In our first class of the semester we defined capoeira, explored its origins and the lineage of this class’ Capoeira Angola tradition. We learned 4 foundational movements: ginga, balanca, rolé, and meia lua de frente. We also watched part of a film, The Secret of Movement: The Capoeira Story and reflected and asked questions.
Continuing Explorations
Practice foundational movements ginga, balanca, rolé, and meia lua de frente by yourself and with a partner.
Watch the film The Secret of Movement: The Capoeira Story with your family and discuss it together. Bring a question or an observation you have from the film to share with the class.
Week #2: How do we move around?
We break down every component of the ginga, the first movement of capoeira, and practice moving in and out of other core movements. We introduce the aú, the first acrobatic movement of capoeira.
Continuing Explorations
Practice ginga, balanca, rolé, meia lua de frente, and aú by yourself and with a partner.
Using a stick or broom, practice going back and forth with the aú, lifting only as high as you feel comfortable.
Week #3: Core Strength & Aú de Cabeça
Our movement practices covered basic ginga, meia lua de frente, rolé, and aú. We also worked on core strength exercises to prepare for more advanced capoeira movements. We learned aú de cabeça, or aú of the head. We also watched this capoeira video of a game played by Capoeira Angola da Bahia.
Continuing Explorations:
Practice the core strength and upper body strength exercises.
Week #4: REVIEW
We did an extensive review of ginga, rolé, meia lua de frente, and aú in preparation for the solo assessments happening in the next class. We also watched this animated film about the creation story of the berimbau, the string instrument for capoeira music.
Continuing Explorations:
Practice each of the 4 foundational movements that you will perform by yourself for the assessment in the next class.
Week #5: Strength & Endurance
After each capoeirista completed their solo assessment, we introduced a complex sequence of aú into aú de cabeça. Then we learned some strength boosting exercises to enhance endurance for a strong capoeira game. We also watch a Mark Weins episode that featured life and culture in Salvador, Bahia, the birthplace of capoeira. We also reviewed the fundamental components of aú de cabeça in preparation for expanded practice in next week’s class.
Continuing Explorations:
Practice moving in and out of aú de cabeça using negativa.
Week #6: Feeling the Flow
The second half of our semester focuses on increasing fluidity and learning how to come in and out of sequenced sets of the core movements we learned in the first half of the semester. We spent the first part of this class practicing staying in continuous motion, moving through the foundational movements: ginga, rolé, meia lua de frente, and aú. We then worked on exercises to strengthen our core and increase endurance for our games. We also watched a video featuring a street capoeira style.
Continuing Explorations:
Practice moving continuously through all of your capoeira movements for longer and longer intervals of time. Start with 5 minutes, then 7 minutes, then 10 minutes, then 15, and increasing until you can get to 30 minutes of sustained movements.
Week #7: Partner Play
We practice more advanced ginga sequences, and working with a partner (or moving around a chair). We learn a new attack kick, rabo de arraia, “tail of the stingray”. We learn how to incorporate the new kick with ginga and meia lua de frente. We practice using these kicks in a sequence with a partner, and how to escape with aú de cabeça.
Continuing Explorations:
Practice moving through each step of the rabo de arraia, making sure to go into and out of it on both sides. Practice moving in and out of rabo de arraia with the ginga.
Practice Guides
In the coming weeks this practice portal will fill with class summaries and recordings of our sessions. In the meantime, get to know The Family Dances with these short videos led by instructor James.
If you need any assistance with anything, reach out to Binah @ 202.297.5857 or Enjoy your practice!